One of the many ways DoubleDown Casino offers free chips is through mobile notifications, which appear as messages on your mobile device.
- If you are not seeing notifications for DoubleDown Casino on your mobile device, you may be missing out on free chips! Learn how to enable mobile notifications.
Mobile notifications can be reviewed from your lock screen or in the notifications center.
To open the notifications center and view your recent notifications, swipe downward from the top of your screen.*
If you have a notification from DoubleDown Casino offering free chips, choose that notification to claim the chips.
- On iOS, swipe from left to right to open a notification on your lock screen. Tap to open a notification from the notifications center.
- On Android, tap the notification.
It is important that you swipe or tap within the relevant notification. Touching any other area of the screen will not trigger the desired action. Also, simply launching the app manually will not activate any offers you may have waiting in your notifications center.
If you see a notification pop up on your screen while you are using another app, you do not need to act on it right away. If you don't tap a notification when it first appears, you can find it in the notifications center later.
If you prefer to act on a notification immediately, simply tap it to switch from the app you were using and launch DoubleDown Casino.
* Please note that this is the most common method for accessing your notifications center; however, this process may vary based on your device. If swiping downward does not open a list of mobile notifications (i.e., messages from your installed apps), check the help site or manual for your device to determine the correct steps to view your notifications.